V, a character from the 2006 DC comics film “V for Vendetta” was a mutilated being, morphed by a chemical explosion who seeked vengeance against those responsible. His body, left deformed from the flames, was masked in black garments, and his face was hidden behind a very emotional mask.
V’s character played by (Hugo Weaving) had an almost juvenile view of the world. He became so focused on pursuing vengeance on the corrupt. That there was no sexual tension between himself and Natalie Portman’s character, Evey. Despite his very violent manners, he came across as seeming innocent. A creature for whom you felt pity on, as a sleighed the wicked. He is somewhat representative of the Beast, in the Disney Film beauty and the beast, the villains of which always seem to be asexual.
Albeit, vaguely asexual. In the mythical world (where these stories come from) the monster may seek redemption from a virgin or mother figure. The line between pity, redemption, love and sex is so blurred it seems. I used to use this movie for this class- particularly as it fits into the idea of propaganda and free will of in the individual.